Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Queen Isabella was quite ill when I returned. When she died on November 26, 1504, I lost my friend and benefactor. Even though I was wealthy from my many explorations, I still felt I should be restored as governor of Hispaniola.

Finally in the spring of 1505, Ferdinand called me to court. The king heard the explorer's petition(my petition), but did nothing. A year later, I was ill. I died on May 20 , disappointed that I never found the route to the East and convinced I had set foot in Asia rather than a new world.

I died of a heart attack due to reactive arthritis (Reiter's Syndrome) on May 20, 1506- at the age of 55-
This was deduced based on observer accounts and my personal writings, of my symptoms, in my notebook.
When I died I was still unaware that I was in the western hemisphere (thought I was in the east coast of Asia).

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